I already posted this over at the RTI forums, but just in case:
So the show went well. The My Device team didn't arrive until midday on the first day which meant we couldn't work our magic and get Sonos going until the following morning before the show opened to the public.
At Cedia we had the following wired up and working:
Zone Information
Skip Next/Previous
Volume control with feedback
Track name/album/artist feedback
Next queued track/album feedback
Power events
The power event is pretty cool (if i do say so myself). When a zone starts playing the XP processor triggers a power on event so you can fire up an amp etc. You set the off event as the number of seconds that must elapse in paused mode. So if playback stops (end of queued items) or someone hits pause a timer starts. If playback doesn't resume within the timeout specified we signal a power off event. Thus you can shut down the amp when the kids hit pause and never come back.
So if you picked up the iPad with the native Sonos software running on it and changed the song or volume, or even zone name it would instantly reflect on the K4.
So, what's left to do... well for the initial release i'd like to get track position working. That is, update a status bar with the current song position. Sonos doesn't do this natively so i need to track it internally.
Once that's done i'll be sending out the first copies to the beta testers.
If you would like to help beta test, please send an email to:
sonos@no.spam.mydevice.com.au (remove the no.spam. part!)