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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Issues with CBUS Driver Ramping on: August 14, 2012, 08:34:26 PM
Hey MAtt.  gave it a go... but still playing up....  to be honest I haven't checked if I am running latest XP8 firmware but will this make a difference?

Lights still have issues ramping...
2  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Issues with CBUS Driver Ramping on: August 12, 2012, 12:47:28 PM

Yes we are aware and have fixed the problem an update will be released shortly.


Great luke let me know when it's done.

Hey Luke...  Any news on this?  Need the update as all scenes are ramping off after 4 seconds or so...

3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Issues with CBUS Driver Ramping on: July 17, 2012, 05:14:13 PM

Yes we are aware and have fixed the problem an update will be released shortly.


Great luke let me know when it's done.
4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: IP and Wireless Training on: July 17, 2012, 11:48:40 AM
I am interested in melbourne location... myself and 2 colleagues.
5  General Category / General Discussion / Issues with CBUS Driver Ramping on: July 17, 2012, 10:11:33 AM
Hey guys,

Has anyone else seen the issue where if the CBUS driver is loaded onto an xp8/xp6 then it effects the CBUS system when you try to ramp a channel off over a period of time.

When a scene in a DLT is triggered that ramps a selection of lights OFF over a 30 second period the lights will distinguish after a short period of time (approx 5 seconds) but the DLT will show the status of the Group address to be still ramping off.??

If the driver is removed from the XP8 then this phenomenon is not experienced.  Any ideas or fixes to this problem??
6  Future Development / Requests / Re: Concept Alarm System on: March 13, 2012, 09:13:49 AM
Your first request shouldn't be a problem.

I wil get back to you on hte protocol stuff.

7  Future Development / Requests / Concept Alarm System on: March 03, 2012, 10:10:54 AM
Hey Matt,

We do a lot of installs with RTI, CBUS and CONCEPT.  Have you looked at developing an RTI driver for Concept Alarms?
This is a list of the Comms Tasks available:
Answer Call
PC Direct
Contact ID
External Modem (V4)
Poll Data
IRfast Backup
CID Backup
4+2 Pulse
Pos Data DVR
IRIP External Modem
IRIP External Modem
IRIP Internal Modem
Geoquip (obsolete)
SIA Dialer
EarthNet (obsolete)
PACOM (obsolete)
8  RTI Drivers / Released Drivers / Re: XBMC on: December 04, 2011, 07:39:07 AM
Still waiting in anticipation for plugin ?

I'm still torn on this driver.  There are a bunch of variants out there (like boxee, plex etc for example) that use the old web interface for control.  I had been implementing the new JSON interface for the real XBMC.  I'm concerned if I continue, the moment i release it there's going to be the usual crowd complaining it doesn't work with Boxee etc.

Good point Matt. I use cf and rti with xbmc for simple control with use of event ghost to listen for ip commands.

Just started to use a boxed box and pretty impressed with the playback of files in full 1080. Be pretty interested in being able to control it with rti...
9  RTI Drivers / Released Drivers / Re: Sonos on: December 04, 2011, 07:26:30 AM

Just downloaded v1.2 I'm finding that the timeout stops working after a certain amount of time after re-sending the file to the xp8.

this was also present in the original release.  I use the timeout in co-ordination with an event to automatically turn on/off the amplifier once the zp90 starts/stops playing.

10  Future Development / Poll / Re: Sonos Pro on: November 29, 2011, 08:23:07 AM
Songl (formlly Anubis)
11  RTI Drivers / Released Drivers / Re: Sonos on: July 07, 2011, 12:34:33 PM
Yep you can simply select the line-in input via a single driver call.

Matt Sonos driver is great!  A real break through and a very useful driver.

In regards to line input I think it is missing the functionality to add the line input of a different zone.  Eg.  Play the line-in of zone 1 through zone 4 speakers.  (can be done with controller).

Last night I easily setup a CBUS DLT to control sonos...  play/pause/volume/next/previous by triggering a cbus driver event that runs the associated sonos macro driver command...

Any idea of when official release date is?... reseting xp8 every day Sad
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