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News: Global Cache driver for RTI released.
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1  RTI Drivers / Released Drivers / Re: Oppo BDP-83/BDP-83SE on: March 07, 2011, 12:10:29 PM
Anyone tried this driver with the new BDP-93?

Website say that the 93 uses the same protocol as the 83... so in theory it should work.
2  Future Development / Requests / Re: Marantz NA7004 and/or Rotel RDG-1520 on: March 07, 2011, 06:42:15 AM
Marantz -

Rotel -
3  Future Development / Requests / Marantz NA7004 and/or Rotel RDG-1520 on: March 07, 2011, 04:09:19 AM
Since it seems like RTI is content with their SqueezeBox/Vortabox option...

Both units seem like they should provide the necessary control and feedback.

If you tell me that you'll work on a driver, I'll gladly get a unit in hand for me to test.

The protocol is available on each companies website. My preference would be for the Rotel unit, but I would be happy to have any option that didn't include a NewEgg built computer stuffed in a rack.  Wink

4  Future Development / Requests / Re: URC PSX2 driver for RTI on: March 06, 2011, 08:08:31 AM
There is a Crestron driver (developed by someone outside of Crestron) for the PSX2... I have to assume that it can be done for RTI.

Even the URC rep said that the Crestron guys are buying them left and right.
5  Future Development / Requests / Re: URC PSX2 driver for RTI on: March 05, 2011, 01:24:53 PM
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