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RTI Drivers / Development / Re: APC AP7921
on: November 28, 2012, 08:12:08 PM
If anyone needs help with pinout for the serial cable and password reset walkthrough PM me on the RTI forum.
RTI Drivers / Development / APC AP7921
on: November 22, 2012, 09:33:27 PM
Hi Matt, Following your post on the RTI forum I've just got one of these, willing to beta test the SNMP driver. Cheaper that posting the Lindy unit to Aus. Alan.
Future Development / Requests / Re: Axis Camera Station
on: September 12, 2012, 09:33:40 AM
I also applied to the application development program and got a personalised response from my sales rep, which mentioned their online API, VAPIX and gave links to the windows activex components Axis Media control SDK and other support links. Do you need access to the embedded API? Is that the same stuff you got?
Future Development / Requests / Re: Axis Camera Station
on: September 06, 2012, 03:08:47 AM
They're not too tightly wound, so you should be successful. If you don't get a reply or get refused let me know and I can push it from my side too. When diagnosing a couple of system faults the tech. guy on the phone said he could get me the SDK. All I demostrated to him was a bit of knowledge to do with resolutions, data storage and domestic IT setup.
Future Development / Requests / Axis Camera Station
on: September 04, 2012, 08:15:09 PM
Hi Matt, Is it possible to control the Axis Camera Station software? What do you need to find out?
The scenario I have at the moment is a dedicated PC with it's HDMI out being distributed via an 8x8 matrix it runs and displays ACS fine, but you need a mouse and keyboard to control it. Control of Axis cameras with PTZ via an iOS device and iPanel is currently broken, but it works ok with inwalls and handhelds.
The server software has the ability to accept commands from a developers code.
RTI Drivers / Development / Re: Media Center
on: January 04, 2012, 05:36:19 AM
Cyberlink's Powerdvd puts itself into media centre, now if only there was some way to call a ripped bd-iso. It has to be mounted in a virtual bd drive, once mounted it can be controlled with the MC driver.
RTI Drivers / Development / Re: Media Center
on: December 20, 2011, 09:56:00 AM
Great, cause after various PC restarts, and remotecontrol.exe re-installs I can't get coverart back.
WMC also responds to coverart named Folder.jpg, thought it was worth a mention as various media managers i've seen output it.
RTI Drivers / Development / Re: Media Center
on: December 20, 2011, 08:44:32 AM
UPDATE: I am ignoring the Ipad, as i've had no progress at all.
With the T3V+:
Got limited coverart.
I didn't make new pages, i took the existing radar dynamic objects and added the correct variable from beta 6. Then i linked a hardbutton to the page. So I have to first go to the weather page then a button links to the WMC coverart, none/keep aspect/stretch. Turns out just changing pages gets the coverart to update - it has nothing to do with a remote connecting to an external ip(weather underground) as i suspected. I've got 2 routers, one behind the other. Thought there may be double nat/DNS issues.
RTI Drivers / Development / Re: Media Center
on: December 20, 2011, 07:30:49 AM
I'm gonna need some direction to rectify this one.
I've got an Ipad, XP8, and T3V+. I can get the T3V+ to 'pull' the coverart, but it never gets pushed to it. e.g. If I change pages (i change to a page that has the wifi signal meter, so i can see the T3V+ is on the network) ...change pages from the cover art page to another page, then back again and the cover art appears, as if it is being pulled from where it's being used. This is a problem, I've noticed if I stop the T3V+ from going idle by constantly pressing a button, rather changing pages - then at the same time, change the album/coverart being played with WMC, the coverart never gets updated.
The Ipad never gets coverart, but i'm assuming this is linked to the Ipads inabiity to deal with all of ID's objects.
My previous thought of file permissions being an issue turned out to have no bearing. So streaming / playing local files, playing .wmv with built in codec or .flac with 3rd party plug-in all give coverart.