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1  RTI Drivers / Released Drivers / Re: C-Bus on: February 17, 2011, 05:22:56 PM
Hey guys,

Just wondering, has anyone used this driver in a project that has more than one CBus network?

I have just done so, and it appears so far that messages from RTI don't go to another network, and messages from the other network don't go to the RTI..........

I have the properties of the network interface set to send messages from all applications, but no luck as of yet.

Any ideas?

Thanks Darren
2  Future Development / Requests / Wifi Connection status on: July 15, 2010, 08:18:51 PM
Hi guys,

A driver that could give you some feedback on a remote's connecting status and signal strength. I know there are some special characters you can use for signal strength, but what if you'd like to customize the images shown, or even have a text number value instead of an image.

For example a T3V that only has 802  .... using a variable that could be tested in a macro to see if the connection is complete, so it could then proceed with the rest of the macro.

Maybe even a zigbee version too?

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