Title: C-Bus Post by: Matt on July 07, 2010, 10:03:58 AM This driver is pretty big. Very complex. Feature set is done, currently undergoing some heavy testing.
Just needs documentation. Title: Re: C-Bus Post by: Matt on July 13, 2010, 09:51:08 AM Driver completed. Moving to external beta testing.
Title: Re: C-Bus Post by: Matt on July 22, 2010, 09:21:55 AM A few bugs have been found regarding tracking sliders against a group level using MMI. Currently working on fixing them.
Title: Re: C-Bus Post by: Oz AVI on July 23, 2010, 04:07:39 PM Matt, is this the driver that RTI has released, or is it a different version?
Title: Re: C-Bus Post by: Matt on July 23, 2010, 04:27:01 PM A different version. It's coming soon, just doing some final polishing :)
Title: Re: C-Bus Post by: Matt on August 05, 2010, 09:20:05 PM C-Bus is good to go! Grab it from the drivers section of our website.
Title: Re: C-Bus Post by: Chief on February 17, 2011, 05:22:56 PM Hey guys,
Just wondering, has anyone used this driver in a project that has more than one CBus network? I have just done so, and it appears so far that messages from RTI don't go to another network, and messages from the other network don't go to the RTI.......... I have the properties of the network interface set to send messages from all applications, but no luck as of yet. Any ideas? Thanks Darren Title: Re: C-Bus Post by: Luke on February 24, 2011, 11:51:49 AM Hi Darren,
At the moment the driver only talks/listens to network 254. We are looking to implement more networks in a future Pro version of the driver. Title: Re: C-Bus Post by: netconn on June 17, 2011, 10:19:09 PM Is anyone else having issues with this driver, in as much as when you update an XP6 or XP8, or restart them or a remote control, when you go to a lighting page that uses this driver, 2 way text buttons work telling what is on or off, but sliders all stay at 0. If lights are then changed AFTER the controllers have been restarted, it seems to work, but will not pick up group levels (other than on/off) when it starts.
Also, I dont think it has any way of getting feedback on whether a SCENE is active etc. eg. A CBUS Colour Touch screen can tell you if a scene is active or if a light has been changed in that scene (meaning the scene is no longer on) but although I can set a scene with this driver, I cant seem to see if that scene is still active. Title: Re: C-Bus Post by: Matt on June 18, 2011, 09:53:46 AM This is because CBUS doesn't broadcast the levels of groups via MMI, rather only if a group is on or off. So when the driver starts up all its told is if the group is at 0 or 100%.
I've been talking with CBus about how we can fix this. Simply requesting the values would flood the network and isn't feasible. Most likely we'll come up with a solution for the Pro version of our driver. Title: Re: C-Bus Post by: netconn on June 19, 2011, 07:53:25 AM Thanks for the reply. Great to know, and great product!
Title: Re: C-Bus Post by: Rv on November 18, 2011, 01:00:44 PM Hi Matt, Great driver iv used it on a few jobs.
Have you explored adding a feature that would open a cbus project (xml or cbz) so that instead of group address 1-256 showing in the rti driver, it would rip the group lables as set in a cbus project. This would save me huge amounts of time on the bigger jobs. Title: Re: C-Bus Post by: Matt on November 18, 2011, 01:27:15 PM Hi Matt, Great driver iv used it on a few jobs. Have you explored adding a feature that would open a cbus project (xml or cbz) so that instead of group address 1-256 showing in the rti driver, it would rip the group lables as set in a cbus project. This would save me huge amounts of time on the bigger jobs. Actually yes. The only way to do this would be to essentially have you the installer compile the driver after a tool extracted the info you mentioned. The problem with this is it means distributing the RTI toolset, which is *very* much frowned upon in the NDA i signed. That said, I have written my own tools for compiling the driver, so it might be a grey area I could exploit, but I would only do it with RTI's blessing. |