My Device Forums

RTI Drivers => Released Drivers => Topic started by: Matt on October 17, 2010, 12:04:31 PM

Title: Sonos
Post by: Matt on October 17, 2010, 12:04:31 PM
I've started work on the Sonos driver.  I believe i've overcome all the roadblocks I had previously encountered which prevented this from being possible.

So far I can read the current status of a zone player (playing, stopped etc).  It's not much, but it's a start.

I'll post any updates here on the forum.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Oz AVI on October 18, 2010, 01:56:18 PM
Very impressed Matt, I'm looking forward to the results of this one.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on October 18, 2010, 06:01:58 PM
Added Zone mute on/off and LED on/off today.
Going to try and request a list of available songs next...  should be fun :)

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on October 21, 2010, 01:24:15 PM
Added Zone play/pause/next/previous, volume up/down and started to implement the feedback notification system.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on October 22, 2010, 05:56:47 PM
Got Line-In control working (name, input level, play now, request line level).
I've got basic "add song to queue" working - however it requires that you know the full path to the song.  Not very useful so far...

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on October 30, 2010, 09:25:53 AM
Managed to get some basic feedback working yesterday.  I can display current track number, track length and track name - even if it's started by the Sonos remote or the Desktop Controller software.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on November 01, 2010, 07:20:00 PM
Made some big progress today - managed to get a list of artists to display in a scrolling list on the K4.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on November 02, 2010, 11:47:52 AM
Success!  I can now display Artist -> Albums -> Tracks.
Selecting a track adds it to the current zone's playlist.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: dinom on November 02, 2010, 08:30:11 PM
Great work Matt!

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on November 03, 2010, 06:10:30 PM
Got realtime volume updating working.  Now if you use a Sonos remote or the desktop software the volume is instantly updated on the RTI remote.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on November 08, 2010, 10:36:35 PM
I now have a ZP120 and ZP90 for testing.  Got the first part of the code written for supporting multiple devices today.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on November 28, 2010, 10:26:02 AM
A quick update, here's what's working so far:

-   16 zones
-   Full transport control per zone (ie. Play/pause/skip etc)
-   Currently playing info per zone (track, length, artist, album, track number etc)
-   Next track info per zone (same as currently playing)
-   Volume and mute control per zone
-   Front LED control per device
-   Line-in control
-   Realtime updates on the RTI gear when a change is made via the sonos controller or desktop app.
-   2-way scrolling list access to artists/albums/tracks

Currently working on track position (ie. bar graph that creeps along as the song plays).
Once that's working i'll be adding support for the new iPod dock.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: drewski300 on December 16, 2010, 08:03:04 AM
Would love to Beta this if you are getting close.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: drewski300 on January 17, 2011, 03:55:18 AM
How's it coming? I'm not sure you can tell but I'm really excited for this driver.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on January 19, 2011, 09:33:01 AM
Took one step back on the Sonos driver... it was getting over bloated due to feature creep.
Spent the day removing dead code and refactoring some of the slower functions.  Much happier with the direction of the driver now.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: kiwi-control on January 19, 2011, 06:24:20 PM
I'd also be more than willing to BETA test! 

I only have one ZP90 at the moment but the driver would be a great excuse to add an extra zone or 2  :)

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: drewski300 on February 18, 2011, 05:35:46 AM
How does Sonos work as far as selecting music sources? I'm primarily interested in the Line Inputs.

It would be sweet if you can select the inputs directly from the driver without having to scroll through the available line inputs. The reason I want this was in hope that we could turn a local TV with RTI and use the driver to select the line in source. This way it's more automated.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on February 18, 2011, 06:43:41 AM
Yep you can simply select the line-in input via a single driver call.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: ronklootwijk on March 30, 2011, 05:59:20 AM
Any progress?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on April 02, 2011, 09:03:39 AM
Progress is indeed being made.  I'm currently struggling with a bug that stops any more than 4 albums by the same artist from being returned.

Eagerly awaiting the arrival of my XP-6 to see what impact it makes on the operational speed of the driver.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Select on April 07, 2011, 12:27:28 AM
Did you get an XP-6?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on April 07, 2011, 08:05:33 AM
Did you get an XP-6?

I pre-ordered one about a month ago... still waiting :(

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Select on April 07, 2011, 02:44:52 PM
I got two, they are fast.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: rockabilly on April 20, 2011, 10:10:54 PM
I got two, they are fast.

Yes, I heard that from our customers as well! Faster than the XP-8, much faster! ;)
Matt, did you get your controllers yet? ???

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on April 20, 2011, 10:37:36 PM
I did indeed.  I have an xp6 on my test bench now.  Sonos is not playing nice with the xp6 though... we're still investigating why.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on May 07, 2011, 09:09:23 PM
Our Sonos driver will be making an appearance on the Avation stand at Cedia Australia next week in Sydney!

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Oz AVI on May 08, 2011, 07:56:06 AM
Our Sonos driver will be making an appearance on the Avation stand at Cedia Australia next week in Sydney!
I had heard that Matt, I'm looking forward to seeing it!

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Select on May 19, 2011, 01:00:15 AM
How is it, ready for beta testing?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on May 19, 2011, 04:41:47 PM
I already posted this over at the RTI forums, but just in case:

So the show went well.  The My Device team didn't arrive until midday on the first day which meant we couldn't work our magic and get Sonos going until the following morning before the show opened to the public.

At Cedia we had the following wired up and working:

    Zone Information
    Skip Next/Previous
    Volume control with feedback
    Track name/album/artist feedback
    Next queued track/album feedback
    Power events

The power event is pretty cool (if i do say so myself).  When a zone starts playing the XP processor triggers a power on event so you can fire up an amp etc.  You set the off event as the number of seconds that must elapse in paused mode.  So if playback stops (end of queued items) or someone hits pause a timer starts.  If playback doesn't resume within the timeout specified we signal a power off event.  Thus you can shut down the amp when the kids hit pause and never come back.

So if you picked up the iPad with the native Sonos software running on it and changed the song or volume, or even zone name it would instantly reflect on the K4.

So, what's left to do...  well for the initial release i'd like to get track position working.  That is, update a status bar with the current song position.  Sonos doesn't do this natively so i need to track it internally.

Once that's done i'll be sending out the first copies to the beta testers.

If you would like to help beta test, please send an email to: (remove the no.spam. part!)


Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Select on May 24, 2011, 01:04:15 AM
Thanks, got it.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: pukmarin on May 31, 2011, 06:57:38 AM
The power event are really cool, but did you have plans to add functions and events to group zones?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: humanzoo on June 29, 2011, 09:48:32 AM
Got this working, took about 5-6 minutes for the metadata to show up on the touch screen and virtual panel.  Everything is working great, just takes a long time for the initial connect.


Thanks for the driver, I have finally got the XP-6 up...

I have the Sonos driver installed.  I can get the info page for the ZonePlayer and play/pause works but no metadata or album art.

I'm on Windows7 Pro 64.  Using Virtual panel and latest Integration Designer.  Sonos ZP90.  I have two way working with VortexBox, Lutron and the clock driver.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Andrew

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Urban Intelligence on July 07, 2011, 12:34:33 PM
Yep you can simply select the line-in input via a single driver call.

Matt Sonos driver is great!  A real break through and a very useful driver.

In regards to line input I think it is missing the functionality to add the line input of a different zone.  Eg.  Play the line-in of zone 1 through zone 4 speakers.  (can be done with controller).

Last night I easily setup a CBUS DLT to control sonos...  play/pause/volume/next/previous by triggering a cbus driver event that runs the associated sonos macro driver command...

Any idea of when official release date is?... reseting xp8 every day :(

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on July 08, 2011, 02:34:13 PM
I've just added the following to Sonos:

1) The ability to select a remote line-in source.  ie. play the line-in from another zone.
2) If the serial number of a zone isn't specified in the driver settings it will be ignored.

Beta 3 should be released this weekend.  Once it's given the thumbs up we'll go live!

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on July 23, 2011, 08:35:12 AM
Just a quick note on Sonso... I was all but ready to release Beta 3 when Sonos announced the PLAY:3.

I've got one on order (should arrive Monday), so once i've confirmed it works beta 3 will ship.


Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on July 28, 2011, 09:43:06 PM
PLAY:3 works with zero problems with the driver.  Even with the new version of the desktop controller and new firmware on the zone players nothing broke.  Yay!

Just putting the final touches on a better way of handling device subscription so the XP8 doesn't run out of memory after a few months of operation :)

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: gogo77 on August 04, 2011, 08:05:36 PM
Hello Matt,

I found your forum while looking for information to the driver Sonos, but here I just saw there are a lot of interesting things!

Let me ask you, if possible, to become a beta tester for this driver.

Meanwhile I'm looking around for other possible integration;)

TNK for your work!

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: drewski300 on August 09, 2011, 07:33:41 AM
How's everything coming?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: drewski300 on August 30, 2011, 06:14:10 AM
How's everything coming?


Has anyone ever plus 1'd themselves?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on August 30, 2011, 11:58:21 AM
LOL.  I thought I had everything finished and ready.  Left it for a soak test for a few days and it stopped working.

Luckily I logged the entire session so it's just a matter of wading through all the data to see what went wrong.  If only i could add more hours to the day somehow...

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: drewski300 on August 30, 2011, 12:22:15 PM
LOL.  I thought I had everything finished and ready.  Left it for a soak test for a few days and it stopped working.

I figured I had to come up with something creative to get a response ;)

I hear ya about the hours in the day. I've been work on average 80 hours a week with no end in sight!

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: drewski300 on September 02, 2011, 11:34:50 AM
Hey Matt, I know you guys are working hard on the driver and it's getting really close. What's going to be available on the initial release? Anything more than what's currently available with the beta? Just super excited, sorry!

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on September 03, 2011, 08:56:30 PM
Found what i think is the 'no feedback bug' and have written a fix.  Driver has been running on the test bench for 6 hours now and is still getting feedback.

Will leave it overnight and see what happens :)

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on September 04, 2011, 09:05:39 AM
18 hours on the test bench and all is well...

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: vettr on September 06, 2011, 03:23:14 AM
Hi matt how close is beta 3 :)

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on September 06, 2011, 11:15:06 AM
It stopped working after 24 hours... so at least a little while longer :(

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: n_melin on September 09, 2011, 06:19:10 AM
Hi Matt,

Any chance I can get a copy of your current beta?

Running a Sonos system with 2 S5's 1 zp-90 and a zp-120.
2 XP-6 processors with RTiPanel, and an RK-1


Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: drewski300 on September 17, 2011, 12:27:17 AM
Any progress Matt?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on September 17, 2011, 10:05:40 AM
Nope, next week i should have some time to work on it...

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: ronklootwijk on September 25, 2011, 10:10:23 PM
Nope, next week i should have some time to work on it...

And, did you have some....?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: n_melin on September 28, 2011, 02:06:20 PM
I cant speak for anyone else, but I know my company is planning on purchasing MANY licenses of Sonos control for our RTI systems.......

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on September 28, 2011, 02:39:49 PM
Spent the past 24 hours on it, busy tomorrow, back on it friday.  All of next week is for Sonos :)

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on October 11, 2011, 09:21:31 PM
The majob bug that was holding us up has now been fixed.

I've had the driver running for 4 days with 3 zones and it's been flawless.

Just the documentation and a few very minor tweaks to go...

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: drewski300 on October 11, 2011, 09:42:39 PM
The majob bug that was holding us up has now been fixed.

I've had the driver running for 4 days with 3 zones and it's been flawless.

Just the documentation and a few very minor tweaks to go...

Very excited!

Will there be an upgrade path from this version to the pro version whenever that is finished?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on October 12, 2011, 07:11:47 PM
Hmmm, interesting question.  Hadn't really thought about it.  In theory yes, but i'm not sure how as it'll be a nightmare dealing with all the manual requests!

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: drewski300 on October 12, 2011, 11:07:03 PM
Hmmm, interesting question.  Hadn't really thought about it.  In theory yes, but i'm not sure how as it'll be a nightmare dealing with all the manual requests!

Yes it would be a nightmare! My guess is that it will only happen initially after the pro version is released. I want this Sonos driver for automation purposes but more importantly want it for Pandora and other music services. I have a hard time getting into Squeezebox!

Thanks for all your hard work!

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Glackowitz on October 13, 2011, 02:10:11 PM
We have a client we are going to do Sonos for and RTI for control in several rooms.

Havent done sonos so it should be interesting to get started with

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on October 17, 2011, 04:04:57 PM
Documentation is complete and the sample project is all but done.

Not long now!

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: DBEC on October 17, 2011, 07:15:30 PM
Can't wait ....

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: DBEC on October 22, 2011, 06:37:55 PM
Any news on release date yet?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on October 22, 2011, 08:31:21 PM
Any news on release date yet?

The driver is done. Just finalizing the webstore.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on October 27, 2011, 04:19:18 PM
Well, we just couldn't wait for the webstore to be finished.  It's almost done, but having some issues making the unlock codes correctly so i'll be doing it manually for a few days until it's sorted.

Anyhow, the Sonos Basic driver has finally been released and is available to play with on our website!

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on October 28, 2011, 03:57:55 PM
While i remember, there is a known bug (RTI have confirmed it) in RTIPanel that can cause cover art images that have certain characters in the path name to not display on the iPhone and iPad.

The bug has already been fixed and will be pushed out in the next RTIPanel app update, so you'll just have to be patient :)


Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on October 30, 2011, 03:19:08 PM
Sonos Basic v1.1 : Just a quick update to keep a few people happy.  I've increase the zones available from 16 to 20 and added the ability to Link/Drop zones.

Download available from our website: (

Happy Halloween everyone!

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Urban Intelligence on December 04, 2011, 07:26:30 AM

Just downloaded v1.2 I'm finding that the timeout stops working after a certain amount of time after re-sending the file to the xp8.

this was also present in the original release.  I use the timeout in co-ordination with an event to automatically turn on/off the amplifier once the zp90 starts/stops playing.


Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on December 04, 2011, 09:38:08 AM

Just downloaded v1.2 I'm finding that the timeout stops working after a certain amount of time after re-sending the file to the xp8.

this was also present in the original release.  I use the timeout in co-ordination with an event to automatically turn on/off the amplifier once the zp90 starts/stops playing.


Are you saying the events stop working?  Is this a trial or fully licensed driver?  The trial will obviously only work for 60 minutes.  If you are having issues with the licensed version, send me an email and i'll get you to enable logging.


Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on December 15, 2011, 09:46:43 AM
Morning All,

I've just posted a new version (1.5) of the Sonos Basic driver on our website.  It's got a fix that stops a memory leak and speeds up the handling of feedback decoding (from the Sonos gear) which is especially important on an XP8.

I highly recommend applying the update.


Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: RayoVac on December 16, 2011, 09:13:13 AM
I did indeed.  I have an xp6 on my test bench now.  Sonos is not playing nice with the xp6 though... we're still investigating why.


I know your on 1.5 now... are there any notable problems left with the XP-6?



Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on December 16, 2011, 09:25:38 AM
I did indeed.  I have an xp6 on my test bench now.  Sonos is not playing nice with the xp6 though... we're still investigating why.


I know your on 1.5 now... are there any notable problems left with the XP-6?



Hi Rayo,

With 1.5 there are no known problems with the XP6.


Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: highcountry on December 21, 2011, 04:57:55 AM


I am working with an XP8 and must say that 1.5 has helped the driver quite a bit. It is getting faster. One question what is the zone subscription option in the XP Driver window and would I use this to my advantage, if any?


Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on December 21, 2011, 08:36:51 AM


I am working with an XP8 and must say that 1.5 has helped the driver quite a bit. It is getting faster. One question what is the zone subscription option in the XP Driver window and would I use this to my advantage, if any?


Excellent, that's good to hear. 

I assume you're talking about the "Zone Subscription Period"?  This value is a debug setting that is normally hidden.  It's more for me to help track down bugs than anything.

Simply put, it determines how often the driver registers with each sonos device to receive unsolicited data.  The default value is one hour (3600 seconds).  Making this number smaller will slow down your XP due to the immense amount of data that gets sent.  Making it bigger may result in the sonos device not responding for a period of time as i have no idea what the upper limit on this is.  My advice, leave it how you found it :)

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: RayoVac on December 21, 2011, 01:47:53 PM

Tried out the driver today.  Seems to work pretty darn well.  One question I have (hopefully not previously answered).

XP-6 using Zigbee with T3-V+, is Wifi required for the Album Art?  I notice if I leave the Wifi off on the remote, I still get control, text tags etc. from the XP-6, but don't get the Album Art Image.  If I turn Wifi on, I get the Art.

Is this working as expected?

Also... how is progress going toward the Pro version, playlist selection etc.



Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on December 21, 2011, 01:58:55 PM

Tried out the driver today.  Seems to work pretty darn well.  One question I have (hopefully not previously answered).

XP-6 using Zigbee with T3-V+, is Wifi required for the Album Art?  I notice if I leave the Wifi off on the remote, I still get control, text tags etc. from the XP-6, but don't get the Album Art Image.  If I turn Wifi on, I get the Art.

Is this working as expected?

Also... how is progress going toward the Pro version, playlist selection etc.



Yes you need Wifi for coverart.  It might (???) work via zigbee, but i suspect it'd take a LONG time for the coverart to appear.  It's way more data than zigbee is designed to transport.

I've done some work on Pro, but am taking a break over xmas/new year.  Will get stuck into it in the new year.


Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: RayoVac on December 22, 2011, 01:16:43 AM
Yes you need Wifi for coverart.  It might (???) work via zigbee, but i suspect it'd take a LONG time for the coverart to appear.  It's way more data than zigbee is designed to transport.

I've done some work on Pro, but am taking a break over xmas/new year.  Will get stuck into it in the new year.


Cool... that is what I was thinking.  I didn't really wait that long on Zigbee to see if the art showed up eventually, I just switched back to Wifi to see that it worked.

Thanks again for all your hard work!!!

Have a Merry Christmas!


Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: innovative AV on January 11, 2012, 01:45:01 PM
I have a project that we have 5 RK3V's in. the processor is an XP8 also with (2) T2C+'s..... how well does this work with the inwalls. album art may not be that big of a deal, but control will be

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on January 11, 2012, 02:40:37 PM
I have a project that we have 5 RK3V's in. the processor is an XP8 also with (2) T2C+'s..... how well does this work with the inwalls. album art may not be that big of a deal, but control will be

Use Ethernet and the RK3Vs will display coverart just fine.

Control will work with no problems over RS485.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: innovative AV on January 11, 2012, 05:02:56 PM
When I wired this I only put one cat6 per touch panel. The customer supplied the switch and for some reason the poe isn't lighting them up. If I can get that going this will be great.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: innovative AV on February 05, 2012, 04:01:15 AM
Is this driver able to control pandora, xm....etc yet?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on February 05, 2012, 09:33:50 AM
Is this driver able to control pandora, xm....etc yet?

No, that will be supported in the Pro version.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: innovative AV on February 07, 2012, 12:33:26 AM
so what does it control? just the ipod dock? any idea when the pro version will be available?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on February 07, 2012, 08:24:21 AM
so what does it control? just the ipod dock? any idea when the pro version will be available?

Full details of what it can (and can't) do are on our webstore: (

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on February 11, 2012, 03:25:50 PM
I've just released version 1.6 of the Sonos Basic driver.

We had an incompatibility issue with the latest XP8 firmware (3.1) and XP3/6 (1.2) that has now been addressed.

It can be found on our website.  The upgrade is of course free.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on February 20, 2012, 11:41:46 AM
Version 1.8 is now available from our website.

Sonos firmware 3.6.1 internally changed the name of the iPod Dock which caused the driver to essentially ignore it.  Oops.
As a bonus, I believe I have fixed (well coded around) the coverart not working on RTIPanel.

If you already have a license, simply update using the trial version and it will continue to function as a fully licensed copy.


Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: DBEC on March 24, 2012, 12:29:10 PM
Matt, are you going to be releasing pro version with browsing of tracks/artist/albums ?


Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on March 24, 2012, 02:58:46 PM
Matt, are you going to be releasing pro version with browsing of tracks/artist/albums ?


That's the plan.  Just don't ask for a time frame :)

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on April 06, 2012, 02:45:48 PM
Sonos Basic v1.10 Released - available from our website.

Hi All,

I've just pushed out an update to the Sonos Basic driver.  As some of you may have noticed, feedback stopped working (or in some cases was incredibly slow to respond, 30 seconds+).  After many days of research there were 3 issues that were causing problems.

1) Sonos changed a few things in the protocol that caused some feedback to stop working.  This included the the zone/room name.  This was part of the 3.7 version update that came out a few days ago.

2) I took a little bit of a short-cut with my UPnP implementation.  This was designed to reduce the amount of information that the XP processor would be subjected to, and thus speed response times up.  This of course came back to bite me in the 3.7 update.  As Sonos changed the name of some services the driver was expecting to find (they were hardcoded in the driver) we stopped getting feedback.  I have since changed this to be dynamic and correctly use the advertised values from UPnP.

3) The third issue comes from an incompatibility with the latest RTI firmware (XP8: 3.1; XP6: 1.2; XP3: 1.1).  I won't bore you with the technical details, suffice to say there's an issue with the handling of some very specific TCP traffic that Sonos just happens to use.  RTI are aware of the problem and are working on a fix.  In the meantime, if you plan to use the Sonos driver you'll have to roll back the the last release (XP8: 3.0; XP6: 1.1; XP3: 1.0).  The RTI firmware update should be out in a week or two.

For anyone who has already purchased a license, the update is of course free of charge.

Happy Easter everyone.
Matt / My Device.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: dam_j on April 16, 2012, 03:46:24 AM
Please add only one more thing to the basic driver and i can die happy;

Select one specific Playlist.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: dam_j on July 19, 2012, 09:33:29 PM
Another thing i love to use; Sleeptimer (maybe a fix 60minutes button)?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: dam_j on August 05, 2012, 06:28:38 PM
Any News ? I´m ready to buy anytime.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on August 05, 2012, 06:45:58 PM
Any News ? I´m ready to buy anytime.

Added support for:

Music Library
Sleep Timer
Simple Alarms

Currently working on iPod browsing...

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: dam_j on August 05, 2012, 08:03:19 PM
You Guy´s are GREAT !

Will this come as a update for the Basic-Driver so i can buy today in addaition to the XBMC-Driver ?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on August 05, 2012, 08:34:57 PM
You Guy´s are GREAT !

Will this come as a update for the Basic-Driver so i can buy today in addaition to the XBMC-Driver ?

Yes, the current plan is to provide it as a free update.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: dam_j on August 08, 2012, 08:53:12 PM
How can i control a pair of two Play:5 + SUB ?

If i change the volume of one of the Play:5´s over the driver i can only cange L or R if i change the volume with the buttons on the Play:5 i change the volume of the complet set.

As you can guess i buy´ed it  ;D

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on August 08, 2012, 09:02:55 PM
How can i control a pair of two Play:5 + SUB ?

If i change the volume of one of the Play:5´s over the driver i can only cange L or R if i change the volume with the buttons on the Play:5 i change the volume of the complet set.

As you can guess i buy´ed it  ;D

So you're talking about a stereo pair (grouped)?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: dam_j on August 09, 2012, 12:17:57 AM
Yes, a stereo Pair (L+R) + SUB.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on August 09, 2012, 09:18:53 AM
Yes, a stereo Pair (L+R) + SUB.

Ok, it seems i need to get the other half of my stereo pair back (its in storage from our Cedia stand).  Currently i only have a play3 and play5 here so i can't make a stereo pair.  I'll get back to you.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: dam_j on August 10, 2012, 11:10:32 AM

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: dam_j on August 26, 2012, 11:37:05 PM
Any news ?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: dam_j on September 18, 2012, 07:15:18 PM
Any news ?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on September 20, 2012, 10:42:07 AM

Sorry, in an effort to speed things up, i've just ordered another PLAY:3.  Should have it tomorrow, i'll try to reproduce the issue over the weekend.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on September 21, 2012, 08:00:05 PM
Didn't turn up today. Monday I guess.  >:(

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: kurtbzdyk on December 01, 2012, 06:18:45 AM
How's the new Sonos driver coming along? Sorry for posting this on two subjects . . . Just purchased a copy and need zone on feedback to pull a denon receiver on when music is played on a '90. Using XP8 with ver 3.5, your driver ver 1.12.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: kiwi-control on January 23, 2013, 09:28:10 PM

Can't use your Sonos driver and my SURFiR at the same time because of the firmware issue :-(

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: adamgsteele on April 03, 2013, 02:03:32 PM
any update soon for the Playbar?  ;)

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: rhinoman on May 04, 2013, 06:16:05 PM
I'm new to RTi and would like this for myself and a customer both with SurfIR's on our system. Any idea when something will be working?

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: CJL on May 14, 2013, 10:12:34 PM
ID9 just released, with the recommendation that the latest XP firmware is required to make the most of all the new features....

Just working on a job with a fair bit of Sonos, so is my best bet not to use ID9 (just yet) ??



Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: Matt on May 18, 2013, 08:38:15 AM
ID9 just released, with the recommendation that the latest XP firmware is required to make the most of all the new features....

Just working on a job with a fair bit of Sonos, so is my best bet not to use ID9 (just yet) ??



Send me an email and i'll shoot over a copy of the new beta version that supports the new firmware.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: fat32 on June 11, 2013, 01:16:47 AM
When there will be a version with a choice of tracks and radio stations.

Title: Re: Sonos
Post by: fat32 on October 01, 2013, 03:05:44 AM
The PRO version is very necessary. Whether there is approximate time of release?